Sadie Waters
A long time ago, there was a resilient young girl who was orphaned and left to fend for herself at the tender age of 12. Her parents had perished in a fire that consumed most of the town where they ran their restaurant. Learning to navigate the streets, she eventually found work at the docks, helping to secure boats as they came into port. Her strong work ethic earned her a place on a small merchant ship, where she learned the ways of the sea.
One fateful day, the ship's captain attempted to take advantage of her. While the exact details remain shrouded in mystery, when the ship returned to port, it had a new captain, and the previous one was never heard from again. Sadie Waters, the new captain of the Whodah, recruited trusted friends and proven sailors to join her krewe. Together, they set sail with a mission to defend the wronged and vulnerable around the world.
Occasionally, Sadie and her Krewe had to resort to pillaging to fund their voyages, but their primary goal was to protect both landlubbers and sailors who couldn't fight for themselves. Along the way, Sadie and her motley crew forged unbreakable bonds, building friendships that would last a lifetime. With loyalty and freedom at the heart of every voyage, they found not just purpose, but also joy in their chosen path.